As you head back into the busy season, are you thinking about ways to improve your office efficiency and your effectiveness as a professional? If your answer is “yes”, you are not alone.
If you are like a lot of us, you know you are not an expert on organizational communication, but you really don’t know anyone who is. This month at the East Side Business and Financial Forum, we are very privileged to have a guest who can help us with “take it to the bank” strategies for improving our effectiveness with both our clients and our colleagues. Here are some of the questions we will explore:
• Are there certain types of clients and colleagues I work best with?
• How can I know how to best adjust my personal style to get the results I want from my team and my business relationships?
• Are there actually proven strategies for reducing conflict and improving relationships?
• What is easier, improving my existing relationships or developing new ones?
• How costly is a single negative client or team experience?
• What are my personal strengths and weaknesses in the market place, and how do I manage them?
• Are effective professionals just lucky, or is there really a science to it?
• How important is this stuff to my bottom line, Really?
At our next meeting, we will address the questions above and will continue our exploration of insights and techniques that have been used by some of the most successful business leaders in our community. Please join Lawrence Klimek, Business Strategist, JKL Associates, and me for a discussion of BUILDING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION.
This month, members are invited to receive a complementary profile addressing their own communication preferences and associated strengths and weaknesses. Best of all, members will learn how to leverage this understanding in their business relationships. To take advantage of the offer, you will need to spend about 10 minutes completing a brief online survey. Your resulting profile will be delivered to you at the meeting. The survey will need to be completed by the end of the business day - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 in order to have the profiles ready for the meeting. This is an opportunity which usually is only available for hundreds of dollars, so you are encouraged to take advantage of it!
We are excited about learning how we can all be more effective THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th AT 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the GROSSE POINTE YACHT CLUB, and we look forward to seeing you there!