Given the economic changes all around us, you are likely hearing many of your clients expressing anxiety about the safety of their investments.  Some of your clients may be concerned about institutional failure.  Others may have new found concerns about protection from creditors and others.
  If you are like a lot of us, you are probably hearing questions like this from a lot of your clients:

            •        What accounts are safe from financial defaults?
            •        What can I do to increase FDIC or other protection?
            •        What kind of assets are safe from creditors?
            •        I heard my IRA can't be reached in a lawsuit - is that true?
            •        I have a joint account with my daughter - is it safe from her creditors?
            •        What is an "entireties" interest and why should I care?
            •        How safe is my life insurance cash value? 
            •        Does a revocable trust allow asset protection?
            •        What about my 529 plan?
            •        What are some of the lowest cost strategies to protect assets?
            At our next meeting, we will address the questions above and will learn ways to spot issues relating to asset losses before they become impossible to fix.  Please join Dale Brown, of National City Bank, Matthew Taunt of Charles Taunt & Associates, and me as we sort through a SURVIVAL KIT FOR TOUGH TIMES - ARE MY ASSETS "SAFE AND SOUND?"
            Again, the meeting is not during our usual Thursday session, but is instead FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12th AT 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the GROSSE POINTE YACHT CLUB.  We look forward to seeing you there!