You know you have a lot to offer.  You have clients who deeply appreciate the products and services you provide.  You know people all around you need the things that you are uniquely positioned to provide, and still, you get the feeling that business is not always as robust it should be.

Sound familiar?  If it does, you may not be fully utilizing the tools available to you to enhance your business.  It may be you have asked yourself:

• How do I get myself in front of more qualified prospects? 
• Am I doing too much unpaid consulting?
• Do my prospects put off decision making?
• What do I do about the prospect who wants to “just think about it……..”?
• How do I know when endless chasing and following up on a prospect does not make sense?
• Am I settling for less than my best?
• Am I “telling, not selling”?
• Where does my presentation belong in my sales cycle?
• Sometimes I feel that prospects mislead me…don’t I have some rights?
• My clients love me, but I’m not getting proactive referrals and introductions….how come?

At our next meeting, GERRY WEINBERG of GERRY WEINBERG AND ASSOCIATES, one of the premier sales trainers in the United States, will address the questions above and will share insights and techniques that have been used by countless business leaders, financial professionals, consultants and yes - even attorneys - who have come to understand that success as a business leader and a professional is always dependent upon sales skills.  Gerry will show us how many of the basic truths of the sales process are widely misunderstood across industries.

Many of us have been privileged to use the team approach to work together for the benefit of our mutual clients and friends.  In doing so, we have learned that our futures are often tied together.  Here at Keating Law, PLC, we have seen first hand the power of Gerry’s techniques, and we genuinely hope that Gerry can help you with your own results and thereby improve our results!